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Do you know the field of action of social psychology?

Do you know the field of action of social psychology?

People are sociable by nature, the way in which we interact, grow and develop within society directly impacts our psyche. 

Social psychology is responsible for studying human behavior and mental processes; being such a broad branch, it was divided into two major branches: applied psychology and basic psychology. 

Just like the field of study, social psychology has a wide field of action, in which you can develop your professional future. Today we will talk about them.

What can you do as a social psychologist?


The main role of the social psychologist is to improve the quality of life of people; through his intervention he evaluates, diagnoses and assesses the situations of a social group, through activities that help determine the needs that exist for good social interaction.


This branch of psychology is essential at an organizational level, which makes it an excellent option for maintaining different job opportunities, since where there is a group where interaction is needed, social psychology will be essential.

You will be able to understand and analyze the rules of coexistence between social groups, for example: patterns of behavior, social relationships, among other aspects, to regulate and intervene if necessary to maintain harmony.


What can you work on as a social psychologist? 

If you are interested in working in this field of knowledge, but you are still not sure about the field of work for a social psychologist, here are some options:


  • Organizing social integration projects

Nowadays, with the social movement and new interactions, new needs arise that adapt to the changing times; integration programs are a necessity within countries, especially in the face of the arrival of immigrants and refugees in the face of current and future armed conflicts. 

The human movement that arises from migration, in which we can observe large caravans seeking to adapt to a new space, requires social processes that allow them to become part of an environment, minimizing their impact on the area and, above all, dealing with the traumatic events that arose during the journey.

Social psychologists become the means to reduce and treat these groups, having the role of mediators and their ability to encourage dialogue.


  • Within public and private organizations

Within companies and government organizations, it is necessary to establish work and interaction processes so that workers can optimize their work and make companies or institutions more prosperous.

Social psychologists can play the role of employee selection by conducting interviews, organizing psychometric tests, evaluating responses to analyze how the candidate relates to the principles of the company, and thus maintaining an effective organizational structure. 


Inside hospitals and clinics

Psychological evaluations in public and private hospitals are very common; the job of the social psychologist is to understand the interactions and problems of patients, especially in situations that may indicate acts of violence and other risk situations.

Likewise, it can maintain a rapprochement, raising awareness and advising the workers of these departments to improve the treatment of patients. 


Support in schools and universities

In educational institutions, both at the basic and higher levels, the work of the psychologist is fundamental, and having a focus within the social branch becomes a factor that allows for better care for students.

It is very common for institutions to have counselors who can support students in their interaction and personal development. 


Within social reintegration programs

Another function in which the work of the social psychologist can be seen is that of creating reintegration programs for citizens who were interned in a detention center for committing a crime.

When they leave, they need to modify their behavior and have effective plans to re-enter society, and social psychologists are best qualified to help them in this process. 

Are you interested in learning more about social psychology? Then continue learning more about this career by reviewing our study plan . At the Anáhuac University Network we want to help you make an informed decision, accompanying you to learn more about this career.