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About Nutrition

Nutritionists graduated from Anáhuac University are healthcare providers with a solid humane and professional training who are able to prevent, assess and provide treatment for the nutritional status of both individuals and communities, by using cutting-edge techniques and technologies that meet the requirements of each community within a respectful approach towards their culture and customs. These professionals introduce, design and manage nutrition programs that deal with various health issues related to dietary habits while taking care of their patients with dignity.

The Anáhuac nutritionist is a health professional with a solid human and professional training, who prevents, evaluates, diagnoses and treats the nutritional status of individuals and populations, using cutting-edge techniques and technologies that respond to the needs of communities within a framework of respect for culture and customs. Our Anáhuac graduate proposes, designs, and manages nutritional programs to face diverse health problems related to diet, focused on the care of people and their dignity.

  • You will offer individual and collective nutritional education by promoting health and preventing disease through the promotion of adequate nutrition.
  • Evaluate and diagnose the nutritional status of healthy and/or sick people, individually and/or collectively, at any stage of their lives, with innovative instruments and technology, in the area of clinical and food nutrition.
  • You will offer individual and collective treatment and rehabilitation, through adequate food plans, applying knowledge and creativity, through nutrition programs and the use of new technologies.
  • You will develop and administer food plans and programs, with the intention of sharing nutritional knowledge to the greatest number of people.
  • You will train high-level human resources with a focus on nutrition, population, good nutrition practices, respecting people's culture and customs.
  • You will be able to propose public food and health policies for the benefit of the population within its socio-cultural context.
  • You will develop research in applied nutrition and technologies for the development of beneficial foods for the human being.